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OK- Here is a little about me Victoria Bjorknert!     

I have been a licensed practitioner of healing arts in the state of California since 1995.  My specialties include Deep Tissue, post and pre-surgical Lymphatic Drainage, Reiki, Shiatsu and Reflexology.  Six years into my practice of body work, my eyes stopped doing the “seeing” and my fingers took over as I worked on my clients.  I found myself very sensitive to the ethereal field of the body especially if there was toxicity or a stagnant “Chi” energy.  I was now able to laser in on the specific ailment that my client was suffering.  This sensitivity put an end to being a body worker. After 10 years I had to stop my practice due to the impact it had on me physically.  I now apply my sensitivity to foods and the importance of Alkalinity to nutrition.  My clients have found this very helpful in healing several auto-immune deficiencies including lowering blood sugar, regulating cholesterol, maintaining weight, re-programming the emotional connection to foods, cleansing the liver and kidneys, and an over-all well being with the knowledge of an alkaline diet and what I like to call eating “healthy sexy food”. 

really translates in so many ways.


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